Village News - October 8, 2023

October 8, 2023


Hello everyone. If you have information you want me to share in the newsletter, please give it to me a few weeks ahead to be sure it is included. The newsletter goes out about every other week, so giving me something a few days before it happens drastically reduces the odds that it will not be included. Sorry.        


  1. Neighborhood Safety
  2. Membership Drive
  3. RVES Haunted House and Fun Fair – Saturday, October 21
  4. Annual Meeting – Thursday, October 12, 7:30PM
  5. I am not a good source of information
  6. Directory Distribution
  7. Engagement Meetings for Burke-Springfield Center for Active Adults
  8. ECHO News
  9. Calendar



1 – If you have children riding their bicycles in the community, please buy helmets for them. If you bought helmets for them, please make sure they wear them. Also, make sure they know to stop at an intersection to look for oncoming traffic if they are going to turn onto that street. As I was on Barnack earlier today, I approached Wythe and saw two children – blonde girl and brunette boy – on Wythe slowing down at Barnack. The girl was only looking to the north as I was approaching to the south as she crept to the corner. I slowed down because I was not sure if she was going to stop, turn onto the sidewalk, or turn left or right onto Barnack. As I got to the intersection, I stopped because the girl turned left without looking in my direction at all. The boy had stopped and then fell over when he saw me stopped as the girl crossed the street. The girl was oblivious to all of this until the boy yelled out to her when she then pulled over and stopped to look back.

I never get up to 25mph on Barnack because of potential situations exactly like this. I cannot say the same of many neighbors when I see them whiz by me when I am walking at night.



2 – I was pleased to see so many people drop off cash or a check into the drop box. There have been several PayPal payments and checks mailed to the PO Box. If you are not sure if you have paid, please send an email to and ask. If you have someone else that could renew, coordinate with them to send a payment. It is better to see two payments instead of no payments. If you are not sure if your information is updated, please so do with our Google Form at . If you want to pay online via PayPal, here are the links for renewing:

·      Renew for 1 year - $11 (FY24)

·      Renew for 2 years - $21 (FY24 & FY25)

·      Renew for 3 years - $31 (FY24, FY24 & FY26)


You can also mail a check to PO Box 2024, Springfield, VA 2252. Make checks out to ‘CAWSV’. It is $10 a year, up to three years

You can also drop off a check or cash at the drop box at 6919 Vancouver Rd.



3 – Rolling Valley Elementary School Haunted House and Fun Fair – Saturday, October 21, 4:30-8:30PM


This is from the RVES PTA:


Saturday, October 21; 4:30-8:30pm; Rolling Valley Elementary School:  The RVES PTA is thrilled to once again host the Haunted House & Fun Fair! This longstanding community tradition is one of our biggest fundraisers, and you don't want to miss it! Purchase your tickets online in advance and receive a discount: