Constitution and By-Laws

(as Amended 19 May 2005)

Article I


This Association shall be known as the Civic Association of West Springfield Village, CAWSV.

Article II


The purpose of this Association is to promote the community interests of residents of West Springfield Village. This Association will be non-sectarian and non-partisan.

Article III


Section 1: Membership in this Association shall be open to all home owners and/or tenants of detached single-family dwellings in all sections of the subdivision known as West Springfield Village. Membership shall be contingent upon the member's property and/or residence being in conformance with the restrictions cited in Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance Codes.

Section 2: Membership is automatically revoked upon termination of residence in West Springfield Village.

Section 3: A member in good standing shall be an individual fulfilling all requirements for membership and whose dues are not in arrears.

Article IV


Section 1: There shall be four officers of the Association: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be chosen from members in good standing in the Association. They shall be elected at the October General Membership Meeting and hold office for the term of one year. They shall serve without compensation. There shall be no term limits imposed on any of the officers of the Association, but elections will be conducted each October to encourage participation in leadership positions by all members in good standing. The President and each of the officers will actively recruit candidates for election and abide by the majority vote of the membership.

Section 2: An officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a membership meeting of the Association, provided no fewer than twelve votes are cast. The officer concerned must be given an opportunity to answer charges at a membership meeting prior to the vote for dismissal.

Section 3: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and at meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint committee chairpersons and coordinate transition activities at the conclusion of his/her term of office. The President shall maintain the master membership list of the Association and shall be the custodian of the Constitution and By-laws. The President shall have possession or supervision of all property belonging to the Association.

Section 4: The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, preside at all meetings of the Association and at meetings of the Board of Directors. In the event of the termination of membership or the removal from office of the President, the Vice-President shall automatically become President for the remainder of the uncompleted term.

Section 5: The Secretary shall record minutes at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall assist the President with Association correspondence.

Section 6: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the Association and for the record thereof and shall receive the dues of the members for deposit into the Association’s bank account. The Treasurer shall make disbursements from the Association's bank account by directive from either the President or the Vice President, and submit a financial report at the conclusion of his/her term in office to be retained in the permanent records of the Association.

Article V

Board of Directors

Section 1: There shall be a Board of Directors composed of the Officers of the Association and the previous President, if still a member.

Section 2: The Board of Directors shall meet at the request of the President and shall plan the agenda for the membership meetings of the Association. They shall have the authority to manage the business and financial affairs of the Association subject to the Constitution during the period between meetings of the Association.

Section 3: The Board of Directors may appoint members of the Association to represent the Association in outside activities.

Section 4: The Board of Directors may request the presence of any member of the Association at a meeting of the Board of Directors, as it deems appropriate in fulfilling the function of the Board.

Article VI


Section 1: Membership meetings of the Association shall be held in October and May, at the time and place designated by the President. Members of the Association shall be informed of these membership meetings not less than ten days, but not more than fifty days before the date of the meeting. Membership meetings shall not be conducted without the President or Vice President in attendance to preside.

Section 2: The President, as needed, may also call additional, special membership meetings to include upon written request by ten members in good standing. Members of the Association shall be informed of special membership meetings no less than ten days, but not more than fifty days before the date of the meeting. Such notice shall include a statement of the purpose of the meeting and the names of those members requesting the meeting.

Section 3: The regular business of the Association shall be conducted at Membership meetings and shall be conducted regardless of the number of members in attendance.

Article VII


Section 1: A vote of the membership present at a meeting of the Association shall be required in any election for office, for approval of proposed fiscal budget and for approval of proposed changes to this Constitution and Association By-laws. In matters where the Association is to be represented to outside groups, a ruling majority of voting members shall determine the Association’s opinion or course of action.

Section 2: Each dwelling unit shall be entitled to one ballot. No proxy ballots shall be permitted but any adult family member may cast the vote of his/her dwelling unit. Only members in good standing may cast votes.

Section 3: In all voting other than to remove from office, more than one half of the votes cast, excluding abstentions, shall constitute a majority and shall rule, but a majority must result from no less than twelve cast votes.

Article VIII

Election of Officers

Section 1: Election for officers shall be held at the October meeting. The President shall determine the order of such elections

Section 2: All nominations shall be made from the floor at the October meeting.

Section 3: Should an office other than President become vacant, a special election shall be held at the first Membership meeting during which the office is vacant. Otherwise, members of the Board of Directors shall either assume responsibilities of the vacant office or appoint a member to serve in that position until the next membership meeting.

Section 4: Voting in elections shall be by secret ballot whenever two or more are nominated for the same office. If no candidate receives a majority as defined in Article VII, and if the election has included three or more candidates, the candidate with the fewest votes shall be dropped and voting repeated. A panel consisting of two members appointed by the President shall count ballots and announce the results immediately following each election. When a tie vote is cast by the membership, the sitting Board of Directors shall immediately determine the winner by secret ballot.

Section 5: Officers shall assume the responsibilities of their office immediately upon adjournment of the meeting in which they were elected.

Article IX

Financial Affairs

Section 1: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for all financial affairs of the Association. The Directors shall develop a financial budget and collect dues in accordance with procedures established in the Association By-laws. Obligation of any Association funds not previously set forth in the annual budget approved by the General Membership will require a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The President will report such expenditures and justification at the next scheduled General Membership meeting.

Section 2: All funds of the Association shall be kept in a bank located in Springfield, Virginia, in the name of the Association.

Section 3: The President shall appoint an Audit Committee of at least two association members, who at the time of appointment shall not be serving on the Board of Directors or Executive Council, to conduct an annual audit. Audit will be for the fiscal year with a beginning date of October 1 and ending on September 30. The committee will report the findings to the President upon completion and again at the October membership meeting.

Section 4: Upon the dissolution of the corporation known as Civic Association of West Springfield Village, the Board of Directors shall, after paying all liabilities and contract obligations, dispose of all the assets of the corporation. Those assets shall be exclusively donated for charitable purposes to one or more organizations that qualify as “exempt” under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future U.S. Internal Revenue Service law.

Article X


This Constitution may be amended only at a Membership meeting of the Association by a resolution, provided notice of the proposed amendment(s) had been given to the membership at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting. A copy of the proposed amendment(s) will be made available to members upon their request. The resolutions for amendment must be presented, seconded and receive a majority from no less than twelve cast votes. A voted amendment shall immediately be incorporated into the Constitution and implemented.

DEFINITION: Constitution (a) the system of fundamental laws and principals that prescribe the nature, functions and limits of a government or another institution. (b) The document on which such a system is recorded.


(as Amended 17 October 2002)

Article 1


These By-laws are drawn in accordance with the Constitution of the Civic Association of West Springfield Village as adopted and amended by the membership. By-laws shall not be in conflict with said Constitution or subsequent amendments thereof.

Article II

Financial Affairs

Section 1: The annual dues of the Association shall be established by a membership vote at the May meeting. No vote shall be required whenever the dues amount will remain the same as the preceding membership year. Dues shall be due and payable by the end of the membership drive (October 31), except new residents who may join during the membership year. Each membership year shall be a fiscal year from October 1 to the following September 30.

Section 2: The Board of Directors shall present a financial budget to the membership for consideration and approval at the October membership meeting. The budget will encompass funds available to the Association (bank balance) at the beginning of the fiscal year (October 1) and projected funds to be collected during the current membership drive. The budget will be developed within the following categories:

A. General Operating Expenses
1. Crier
2. Directory
3. Membership
4. Neighborhood Watch
5. Meetings
6. State Corporation Fees
7. Membership Council/Federation
8. Banking
9. Misc/Contingencies
B. Community Services
1. Rolling Road Maintenance
2. Special Activities (Yard Sale, Clean-up)
3. Community Affairs/Holiday Activities
4. Donations

Section 3: The Board of Directors must approve expenditures, deemed necessary and appropriate, that had not been included in the approved budget (category or amount). The President shall report such expenditure with justification to the membership at the next General Membership Meeting.

Article III


Section 1: The Membership Meetings shall be held in May and again in October of each year as directed by the President of the Association. Whenever possible, membership meetings shall be held on Thursdays in the Rolling Valley Elementary School and should commence at 7:30 PM. Notice of the meeting date, time and place must be given to the membership at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled date.

Section 2: The order of business of all Membership meetings of the Association shall be:

Call to Order
Opening Remarks/Introductions
Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
Reports of the Secretary and the Treasurer
Reports of the Committees
Unfinished Business
New Business

Section 3: Meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.

Article IV


The Board of Directors shall be authorized to join any organization whose purpose is to further the interest of the Association and its members. Expense for such membership shall be forecasted in proposed budget or reported as an unforeseen expense with justification at the next membership meeting.

Article V

Executive Council

An Executive Council shall be formed to advise the Board of Directors in managing the affairs of the Association. The Executive Council will normally consist of the chairpersons of committees and other specifically designated representatives of the Association. The Board of Directors and Executive Council shall meet at the request of the President.

Article VI


Section 1: Any number of standing or special committees may be formed to assist the Board of Directors in managing the affairs of the Association. The President shall appoint committee chairpersons. However, the committee chairpersons shall be responsible for recruiting committee members. Members of the Association may serve on more than one committee.

Section 2: There shall be the following standing committees:

(a) Membership: Staffing of this committee shall consist of volunteer "Block Captains" who shall be responsible to: contact residents in their assigned areas to promote membership in the Association, welcome new residents to the community, collect dues and deliver the Community Directory. The chairperson of the Membership Committee shall insure that all residents are contacted during the membership drive.

(b) Village Crier: Shall publicize the activities of the Association. Criers published after a General Membership meeting will represent the business conducted at that meeting. In addition, the committee shall publish a newsletter not less than two weeks prior to each membership meeting stating the expected agenda of the upcoming meeting. This newsletter shall contain any significant items relevant to the interest of the association and community.

(c) Association Website: Shall promote activities of the Association via website that shall be accessible by community members.

(d) Community Directory: Shall prepare and distribute only to members and newly arrived residents a directory that lists members who agree to be listed in such a publication. This directory shall be published annually on or before February 1.

(e) Neighborhood Watch: Shall schedule volunteers to patrol community streets as deemed appropriate and maintain liaison with Crime Prevention Officers at the West Springfield District Police Station.

Section 3: Special committees shall be formed at the request of the President to represent the needs and interests of the association to County and State agencies or commissions involved with schools, roads, development, public works, zoning issues or any other initiative that may be of interest to the general membership. The committee shall recommend to the Association courses of action/positions in regards to pertinent County and State plans and insure that the courses of action decided upon by the membership are properly implemented. Special committees shall solicit input from the general membership to best formulate the recommended Association position.

Section 4: Committee Limitations. No standing or special committee shall commit the Association to advocacy of, or opposition to, any subject without prior confirmation by the Board of Directors and whenever possible, the general membership

Article VII


These by-laws may be amended at any membership meeting of the Association by a resolution offered by any member in good standing of the Association, provided notice of the proposed amendment had been given to the membership at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting. A copy of the proposed amendment(s) will be made available to members upon their request. Adoption of an amendment shall require a majority of cast votes, excluding abstentions, but resulting from no fewer than twelve cast votes.

Article VIII


These by-laws and subsequent amendments shall be effective immediately upon adoption by a majority vote at a membership meeting.

DEFINITION: By-Law - A law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization.

Policies and Procedures
Civic Association of West Springfield Village
(as Amended 16 February 2003)

1. General: The following are statements of association policy, which were derived from explicit instructions in our Constitution and By-laws, from majority vote on issues and from the guidance of the Board of Directors. They are intended to supplement the Association's Constitution and By-laws. The President is responsible for review and change to these policies as necessary. A copy will be provided each of the Board Directors and the Executive Council members. A copy will be available to any association member who may want one. They will also be posted on the website with the Constitution and By-laws. Policy may be changed by majority vote at meetings of the Board of Directors if included on the stated agenda.

2. Membership:

A. Reference Association Constitution, Section 1, Article III (Membership): "Membership in this Association shall be open to all home owners and/or tenants of detached single-family dwellings in all sections of the subdivision known as West Springfield Village."

B. Only one membership may be granted any one of our 423 village addresses.

C. Reference Association Constitution, Section 2, Article VII (Voting): "Each dwelling unit shall be entitled to one ballot. No proxy ballots shall be permitted but any adult family member may cast the vote of his/her dwelling unit. Only members in good standing may cast votes."

D. Newly-arrived residents (arriving after the membership drive) are granted membership status and privileges at no cost for remainder of that membership year given they complete the membership application form.

3. Crier:

A. One copy of the Village Crier is to be distributed to each of our 423 homes in West Springfield Village, regardless of membership status.

B. Editor will arrange to have 423 copies prepared along with 25 additional copies to be retained by the membership chair for new residents.

C. Editor is responsible for distribution of one copy to each village home either by door-to-door distribution, U.S. Postal Service, electronic means which includes email.

D. Regardless of the type distribution used, the editor will provide a copy of the latest Crier electronically to the Website Master for posting on our Association Website.

E. The President occasionally emails news articles to Association members. Those articles often are included in the next Crier or taken from the latest Crier.

F. If space is available, obituaries may be listed in the Crier at family request; however the Board of Directors nor members of the Executive Council will contact a grieving family to determine their willingness to submit the obituary.

G. The Association does not sell advertising space in the Crier. In fact, we do not allow Crier advertisement other than the Kriebel ad that is in exchange for their work around the Village sign.

4. Directory:

A. Reference Association Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2(d) which states "(Directory Committee) shall prepare and distribute only to members and newly arrived residents a directory that lists members who agree to be listed in such a publication. This directory shall be published annually on or before February 1."

B. Only member and non-members who provide their information on a completed membership application form will be listed in the alphabetical, name list and also in the street address list of the directory.

C. Members and newly arrived residents are entitled to a copy of the directory. Non-members, including those who provided a completed application form requesting to be listed are not provided a copy of the directory.

D. Members are listed in the manner in which they completed the application form, space permitting.

E. Editor will arrange to print a copy for each member household plus no more than additional 100 copies. An exception may be made for a higher number of copies when fewer copies cost more.

F. The Directory will be distributed by Block Captains. Extra copies are to be retained by the Chair of the Membership Committee and the President.

5. Website:

A. Our association will not post obituaries on the website other than those contained within the latest Crier that is posted.

B. The association will allow ads by a member's businesses, but listed as a yellow-page directory by type business, name and phone number.

C. Members' children who offer a service, including those who baby sit are similarly listed under that directory heading; however, they may also submit an advertisement to the Webmaster. Their advertisement may run concurrently with the yellow-page type listing. A disclaimer will be inserted so as not to appear that the association recommends a particular person or endorses their qualifications.

D. Advertisements and listings will expire on 30 September of each year, but can be renewed for the next membership year provided they renew their association membership

E. We do not charge for "ads"/directory listing in the website.

6. The Board of Directors:

A. Reference Association Constitution, Section 2, Article V (Board of
Directors). The President and the other 4 members of the Board are responsible
for decisions not covered herein or within the Constitution and By-laws. Their majority vote is required for decisions that have to be made before the next general membership meeting.

B. The President will, as needed request input from the Executive Council. The President may also ask the Executive Council to vote in conjunction with that of the Board to reach a broader-based decision or course of action.

7. Expressions:

A. The association does not send sympathy or congratulatory card or gifts to village residents and/or association members.

B. The Association will not purchase gifts or expend association money for a social to honor departing Directors of the Board or members of the Executive Council.