PH II Rolling Road Project Delay

PH II, Rolling Road Project Delayed Yet Again - Just pulled this revised schedule off VDOT’s website and it looks like the construction start date again slipped from 2023 to early 2024. VDOT explained:

            “The construction start date for the widening portion of Rolling Road has been revised to begin in Early 2024 due to adjustments to the Right of Way Acquisition and Utility Relocation phases.  With this project, there are 140+ parcels requiring acquisition and six (6) utilities requiring relocation.  The initial schedule showed an overlap between the two phases in hopes of expediting the project; unfortunately, the utilities to be relocated affects more than 75 percent of the parcels to be acquired, thus requiring the Early 2024 start date for construction.”

  • Begin Old Keene Mill Road Intersection Right of Way (PH I) Acquisition - July 2019
  • Begin Rolling Road Widening (PH II) Right of Way Acquisition - Early 2020
  • Begin Old Keene Mill Road Intersection Construction - Late 2020
  • Begin Rolling Road Widening Construction - Early 2024

Cost of the project is now up to $79 million plus what has already been spent on engineer design, environmental impact studies and public hearings for the three previous RR projects that were shelved. According to VDOT:

              The increase in the cost estimate reflects the current construction market for the Northern Virginia and Maryland region.  According to the National Highway Construction Cost Index, there has been a +12.7 percent increase in construction costs from December 2017 to December 2018.  Additionally, this region is currently experiencing an unprecedented amount of “mega” projects ($100M or more) under construction at the same time which is driving up the construction costs.”