TO: Rolling Road Neighbors
FROM: Kim & John Brown, 6722 Rolling Road
DATE: September 21, 2020
RE: Rolling Road Widening Project
Neighbors: As you are all aware, Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has begun the process of property acquisition for the future Rolling Road widening project. Many homeowners have already received offer letters from VDOT via the consulting company, Bowman Consulting. I highly recommend that you DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING without consulting an attorney.
We, and numerous other neighbors, have engaged with an attorney to help guide us through this process, Kevin DeTurris, Blankingship & Keith, in Fairfax Virginia. His contact information is listed below. Please note that I do not know Kevin personally, and I am only sharing this information with you as a concerned neighbor.
I wanted to encourage you to contact Kevin or another attorney to assist you with the acquisition process. I believe that it is important for each homeowner to understand their rights, the acquisition process and how it affects your property. The fee for legal counsel is 1/3 of any additional compensation the attorney is able to obtain for you above the initial offer. For example, if your initial offer is $10,000 – that money is yours; the attorney’s fee is 1/3 of anything above that amount. Personally, I felt like we had nothing to lose by engaging legal counsel and I felt it was important to have representation in this matter. It would also be beneficial to homeowners to have multiple homeowners engage with the same attorney. You, of course, many choose another attorney or none at all.
Finally, if you have not yet joined our Civic Association, please do so. The cost is only $10 for the year, and the weekly newsletters John Cooley, President of West Springfield Village Civic Association, sends to all members is full of useful updates concerning this project.
Please feel free to contact me at the email address above.
Attorney Information:
Kevin DeTurris
Blankingship & Keith, PC
4020 University Drive, Suite 300 ■ Fairfax, VA 22030
tel-(703)-691-1235 ■ direct-(703)-293-7235