Village News, 8/26/21

Dear Village Neighbor / Friend,

1. Membership Drive – Well, we’re 40% to our objective and 35% to our goal. 

2. Bird Feeders & Baths – Department of Wildlife Resources now say it is safe to feed wild birds. You may recall that we were asked to stop feeding them or providing bird baths due to some unknown illness that spread to birds that congregated for food or water. Apparently, the incidence rate of whatever was causing avian illness/death (still unknown) is now low enough to remove the previous request to stop. Click here to see more - DWR Advises Following Best Practice Guidelines to Resume Feeding Birds | Virginia DWR.

3. Duck Donuts, Restaurant 54, and Amazon Fresh - Thanks to Kathy D’Amato for passing along the information she read about in the Washington Business Journal concerning each of these reports, but here are the links to each of those articles so you will also know and credit the source:

4. Home for Sale – Marcia Weir (SVD) just listed this 8113 Smithfield Avenue home and thought you may be interested or know of someone looking to buy in our area -

5. Dog Poop - Be Courteous Please - At least we haven’t had many complaints about dog owners not picking up what Fido deposits, but please pick it up, bag it, take it home with you and deposit in your own trash can or toter. Don’t use a neighbor’s trash can or toter without permission and certainly not for what your dog leaves behind while out on a walk. Yes Virginia – we have had these complaints, again.

6. Stump Grinding – Have you used a service to grind stumps and are you willing to recommend them to others? Let me know if you do or if you also are looking for such a recommendation – I will relay to interested parties.

7. Free Summer Concert Series – Last one is next Wednesday at 7:00 PM at Burke Lake Park. It will feature Practically Einstein playing Vintage Rock. 2 Silos Beer and Peterson’s Ice Cream will be for sale. A food truck will also be there. Local student talent will perform opening acts. Come early to get settled with your picnic blanket, food, drinks, and enjoy the whole show! For last minute weather cancellations, call 703/324-7469 one hour before the schedule start of the event.

8. Covid-19 – Due to the spread of the Delta variant, Fairfax County is now recommending that everyone, including individuals fully vaccinated against COVID-19, wear a mask in public indoor settings. Also, those with compromised immune systems are encouraged to get a 3rd dose of the Pfizer BioNTech or Moderna vaccination. You can learn more about third doses here. Click here - Find COVID-19 vaccine locations near you to find who has which vaccine and to schedule an appointment to include those 12+ years of age.

9. First Day of School – pictured below is Mark Gregris and his daughter Morgan who seemed excited about getting back to the classroom for her 5th Grade education. Morgan was also selected as Safety Patrol to help other students cross streets safely. Please be careful and do drive more slowly as our kids go to and from school or bus stops. During the summer, Morgan obtained her PADI Open Water Diver certification. Way to Go Morgan!

A person holding a sign on a bicycle

Description automatically generated with low confidence  A person and person taking a selfie

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10. Refugee Resettlement Agencies in Northern Virginia – Thanks to Molly Alonzo (SVD) for this heads up. There are three main Refugee Resettlement Agencies serving our region. The purpose of these organizations is to assist refugees with their resettlement into the United States. Services include reception and placement in which families are met at the airport upon arrival, provided housing and welcome money, and assisted with cultural orientation to living in the United States. Additionally, these agencies provide employment services to improve their self-sufficiency. Knowing that they will soon need help more than ever, visit their web sites for more information and to see how you can help.

Stay cool and safe good people!

John Cooley



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