General Membership Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2018
Call to Order – 7:30 p.m. by President John Cooley in the Rolling Valley Elementary School Cafeteria.
Minutes from Last (Oct 2017) Meeting – Secretary Ed Wyse – Handout of minutes provided. Had vetted minutes with those who attended and then posted minutes on the civic association website.
Minutes from Last (October 2017) Meeting – Secretary Ed Wyse – minutes were approved by those attending the last meeting. Copy of the minutes can be found on our website.
Vice President Comments – VP Don Hale - none
Financial Report – Treasurer Liz Greene – see attached
Committee Reports:
Membership – Julia Hale – 334 Paid members, 4 new to the village and free, 10 prepaid for FY19, 3 of those also prepaid for FY20
Community Directory – Kirby Myers –
Village Crier – replaced with mailed newsletter to those not on email distribution list if/when warranted.
Website – Bob Havey – The website has space for announcements for Village West Pool. I will add an area for headlines of coming events.
Neighborhood Watch – Jeff Carter – passive, neighbor-watching-neighbor only.
Village West Pool – Pool President Jen Guernsey. Jen is president for the first time this year and described recent pool developments for us.
- Getting the cell phone tower literally saved the pool from financial ruin. The prior board did a good job of financial management and physical plant maintenance and she has thus inherited a working proposition.
- The swim team has been split off as a separate 501c(3) charitable organization.
- The pool is working to redeem membership bonds, with two most popular options being to donate the proceeds to the swim team or to apply them toward annual dues.
- In 2018 operating hours will be extended compared to 2017.
- While we are working on infrastructure, we are also trying to build reserves to cover costly refurbishments/repairs that will be necessary in the future.
- One economic victory was obtaining serviceable plastic bathroom partitions from West Springfield High School’s refurbishment and retrofitting these to Village West’s restrooms.
- We are encouraging volunteer labor. Members can earn $10 off their annual dues for each hour of labor up to 10 hours. Our spring work weekends have had about a dozen volunteers on duty.
- We plan several events where the pool is “open” to non-members and several social events.
- We intend to start a “Friends of Village West Pool” to offer nonmembers an opportunity to financially support the pool.
Old Business: The Board of Directors renewed the contract with Image Works ($1470.00 – no change from FY17) for Rolling Road median grass mowing. The real estate tax levy increased by $0.02 per $100 property value with the new county budget.
New Business:
- Calendar of Events:
- Community Yard Sale and Free for All, Saturday, 12 May from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM; rain date is 19 May.
- Memorial Day Parade and Pool Party, 1 – 5:00 PM, 26 May in cooperation with VW Pool. Pool Open Door to all for entire weekend.
- Community Cleanup and Last Chance Corral – Saturday, 9 June from 8:00 AM – 12:00 noon.
- Village Home and Garden Tour – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, 16 June
- Secure Document Shredding – 8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon, 16 June at Springfield Govt Center
- Fall Meeting – 11 October, 7:30 – 9:00 PM at RVES (audit report, FY19 Budget, Elect New Officers)
- Dues Amount for FY 2019 (1 October 2018 – 30 September 2019) – A motion was made to keep dues at $10.00 per household for FY19, was seconded, and was approved by the membership. Those who join the civic association at the June cleanup will pay $20.00 for the current membership year and the next membership year.
- Status of Rolling Road Project – VDOT’s project team is working towards design approval (which includes approval of the location and major design features), which they hope to attain later this spring. There will be no more public meetings. Money the legislature has devoted to METRO in large part is being diverted from road projects. It is not clear which projects will be delayed due to the diversion of funds.
Next Meeting – October 11, 2018
Adjourn –8:30 PM
Ed Wyse, Secretary
John Cooley
Liz Greene
Jen Guernsey
Don & Julia Hale
Bob Havey
Kevin Higuchi
John Hoffmann
Ian Swanson
Ed & Margaret Wyse
Patty Zevallos
Attachment: Financial Statement