Minutes, 10/11/18

General Membership Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2018

Call to Order – 7:30 p.m. by President John Cooley in the Rolling Valley Elementary School Cafeteria.

Minutes from Last (May 2018) Meeting – Secretary Ed Wyse – minutes were approved by those attending the last meeting. Copy of the minutes can be found on our website.

Vice President Comments – VP Don Hale - none

Financial Report – Treasurer Liz Greene – see attached financial statement

Committee Reports:

Membership – Julia Hale – 256 current members.  Follow up has been carried out by email and US mail for those without email.  It is difficult for civic association leaders to learn when new residents move in.  When we do know, we provide the notifying neighbor with a newsletter (or E-news?), directory, and membership form to give to the new residents.  A suggestion was made to also include Village West Pool information.

Community Directory – Kirby Myers – John asked us to give feedback to Kirby about the directory layout so that he can consider changes to the next edition.

Village Crier – We no longer provide a printed copy to every home.  Other than a printed newsletter to all not on email lists to announce the membership drive and then to followup toward the end of the drive, we only provide a printed copy to those homes without email who have opted in, which is about five.  We welcome family news events to share with your neighbors.

Website – Bob Havey – The protocol now is HTTPS (increased security).  Send suggestions and neighborhood photographs to Bob..

Neighborhood Watch – Jeff Carter – Our method is passive, neighbor-watching-out for neighbor.  The police online map of incidents extents 6 months into the past and indicates one incident in our area during that period.

Village West Pool – Pool President Jen Guernsey.  Jen responded to a question about the pool’s financial health.  The financials are good for short term operations.  She is some concern with building reserves sufficient to cover the substantial capital projects that will be required in future years to maintain the infrastructure.  Jen explained why the swim team was divested to be a separate entity and how the pool is redeeming the old membership bonds.

Old Business: None

New Business:

   1. Calendar of Events:

13 October, 9 a.m. – noon.  Fall cleanup of Pohick Creek Stream Valley Park.  (Assemble at Smyth St.)


28 October, 4 p.m. – Halloween Party and Chili Cook Off, Village West Pool parking lot.


2. Rolling Road Widening Project Update – VDOT’s schedule follows.  Phase I expands the Rolling Road northbound turn lanes at the Old Keene Mill Rd intersection.  Phase II widens the road to two through lanes in each direction plus pedestrian/bicycle facilities.

  • Phase I Begin Right of Way Acquisition - Fall 2018

  • Phase I Begin Utility Relocation - Spring 2019

  • Phase I Construction - Fall 2019 - Fall 2020

  • Phase II Begin Right of Way Acquisition - Winter 2019

  • Phase II Begin Utility Relocation - Winter 2020

  • Phase II Construction - Fall 2022 - Fall 2024

3. Audit Report – The audit report of October 7, 2018, was approved by voice vote. (attached)


4. Budget for FY19. The proposed budget was approved by voice vote.  The most significant difference from past spending patterns was an additional $300 forecast for cutting of grass around the village sign at the corner of Rolling Rd and Barnack Dr.  For many years the Kriebel family had performed this task gratis and we thank them for it.  We shall ask the contractor who cuts the grass on the Rolling Road median for about $1500 to also cut the grass around the sign.

5. Election of Board of Directors (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer). Nominations were accepted from the floor.  The incumbent officers expressed willingness to serve another term.  No other nominations were received.  The slate was approved by voice vote.  John announced that the incumbent committee chairs, who are appointed by the president, have all agreed to continue serving in their positions.

  •  President – John Cooley
  • Vice President – Don Hale
  • Treasurer – Liz Greene
  • Secretary – Ed Wyse

Adjourn –8:10 PM

Ed Wyse, Secretary


Jeff Carter

John Cooley

Liz Greene

Jen Guernsey

Don & Julia Hale

Bob Havey

John & Lois Hoffmann

Tim Kearny

Jim Kirkpatrick

Jane Ray

Ed & Margaret Wyse



Meeting Date